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Regular maintenance, including furnace tune-up inspections, are essential for your home systems to continue operating safely and efficiently. Having your furnace serviced before winter will ensure you experience consistent, optimal comfort throughout the season.
Why is a furnace tune-up so important?
Technicians often equate getting a system tune-up to getting the oil changed in your car. Your furnace is a mechanical system with many moving parts that need to be cleaned and adjusted in order to keep running smoothly. If you skip your oil change, eventually your car will break down. The same goes for your furnace.
Bonfe recommends two annual inspections of your HVAC systems: one in the fall to tune up your heating system, and one in the spring to assess your air conditioning system.
Now’s the time to schedule your fall furnace tune-up. Bonfe offers fall furnace tune-ups for just $89.
What happens during a furnace tune-up?
During a tune-up, a technician will clean and adjust the parts and mechanisms inside your furnace. This will keep the furnace running efficiently throughout the season. Your tech will also perform a comprehensive inspection to catch potential problems before they escalate into a full-scale furnace breakdown.
The Bonfe furnace tune-up includes a 22-point safety inspection that prevents breakdowns and increases efficiency. So you can rest easy knowing your home will be warm and comfortable all winter long.
Bonfe’s 22-point furnace tune-up inspection includes:

Lubricate blower & bearings
Change filters
Check fan speed
Turn off humidifier/close damper
Check condensate drain
Check blower rotation
Check amp draw of motor
Check thermostat
Check & clean condenser
Check operating pressure
Check ambient temperature
Check suction line temperature
Check refrigerant charge
Check all safety controls
Check contactors & relays
Check start & run capacitors
Check all wiring connections
Check compressor
Check condenser fan motor
Check rain shield
Check temperature drop across coil

A furnace tune-up prevents breakdowns and guarantees that your heating system will operate safely, efficiently, and reliably all winter long. Getting an annual tune-up will extend the lifespan of your furnace in the long-run.
For Peace of Mind service plan members, the fall maintenance visit also includes inspections of your humidifier, air-to-air exchanger, and carbon monoxide alarms. Call 651-332-6633 to schedule your tune-up today!

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