Power surges that occur during thunderstorms and heavy rains pose a major risk to your electrical equipment. A power surge can destroy your appliances in a fraction of a second. When lightning strikes nearby, it can cause a spike in your home’s electrical wiring. The spike usually lasts for a brief time but it can seriously damage your electrical appliances if you have not taken proper steps to protect your device from these surges.
Here we present to you three important steps that you can take to protect your electrical equipment from power surges that occur during thunderstorms.
1. Install Stabilizer with Time-Delay Technology
Power surges can occur if lightning strikes your home. They can also occur following a power outage during thunderstorms. Power spikes can linger for a few minutes after the lighting or when the power is restored. If you turn on your electrical equipment during this time, the lingering power spike can cause serious damage to your equipment.
The best solution to this lingering power spikes is to install a large stabilizer to the mains with time-delay technology. The stabilizer will keep your system off for a couple of minutes to allow the power to stabilize. This will prevent damage to your electrical components. You should consider hiring a professional technician to install the stabilizer with time-delay technology at the mains. Never install the stabilizer yourself as it could pose a threat to both your life and your property.
2. Consider Installing Whole-Home Power Surge Protector
A surge protector provides a buffer and absorbs excess electricity during power surges. Installing a whole-home surge protection device will protect your electrical appliances from harm. Whole-home surge protection is installed at the main power line that provides protection to every appliance at your home including the HVAC system. This is more cost effective than using power strips that incorporate power surge technology in each of your outlets.
Again, you should hire a reliable technician to install the whole-home power surge protector rather than doing it yourself. Although it may cost a little extra, hiring a professional technician to do the job for you will ensure that the power surge protector is installed properly without any trouble.
3. Keep Your System Off During Thunderstorms
Finally, the easiest way to protect your electrical equipment during power surges is to keep them off during and just after a thunderstorm. Running the system without any power protection devices could cause extensive damage to your electrical appliances. Also, you should also unplug all electrical appliances during power surges. Although, leaving electrical devices plugged-in during power surges may not cause immediate harm, but it may cause cumulative damage to the devices requiring costly repairs.
Thunderstorms can cause serious harm to your electrical equipment. You should follow the above tips to protect your electrical units from power surges that occur during thunderstorms. Visit www.bonfe.com to get in touch with expert technicians who can help you to protect your electrical appliances from power surges that occur during thunderstorms and power outages.
You made a great point about keeping your electronic system off to avoid power surges during a storm. I am going to buy new electronics soon and I was wondering how to keep them safe. It would make sense to keep them off during a storm so I don’t risk unnecessary damage to them.