Category: Uncategorized
Furnace Tune-Up: Do You Need One This Season?
It’s that time of year again—cold weather is just around the corner. Is your furnace ready for another winter? You’re probably familiar with professional furnace checks but do you really know what’s involved? What’s involved in a furnace tune-up? A check involves over 20 technical steps. Here are two of the most important ones:
How Air Conditioning Affects Sleep
Even though we spend about one-third of our lives sleeping, the majority of us still aren’t getting the 8-10 hours recommended by experts. (On average, Americans are only sleeping 6.8 hours per night.) With sleep being such a precious commodity, it’s more important than ever to create ideal sleeping conditions. One way we do this
Importance of Functional Bathroom Exhaust Fan
Most modern homes come with bathroom exhaust fans already installed, but many of the older homes scattered across Minneapolis are not equipped with exhaust fans in the bathroom. Exhaust fans have an important role to plan in safety, odor control, and home maintenance. Read on to learn why you might consider installing a new exhaust
Best Holiday Light Displays in the Twin Cities
Nothing sets the scene for the season like holiday lights. But an elaborate home holiday light display can be an expensive proposition. Between purchasing decorations and the energy needed to power them night after night, the costs add up. If you’d rather not invest the time or energy in your own holiday display, there are
Circuit Overload from Christmas Lights: How to Avoid “Pulling a Griswold”
Christmas lights are a popular way to add sparkle and color to the holiday season. Get too carried away, however, and you could end up like Clark Griswold—overloading the circuit for the entire city. Okay, maybe not that extreme. But installing holiday lights without any thought for the electrical load or your circuit’s current rating
Space Heater Safety Tips to Stay Safe and Warm
Especially during a mild winter, many homeowners seek to save on heating costs by supplementing their central heating with other sources of warmth. Portable electric space heaters are a popular choice. Space heaters provide concentrated warmth that you can move around the house so that the heat stays with you. However, it’s important to be
October is National Energy Awareness Month
Each year, The U.S. Department of Energy recognizes October as National Energy Awareness Month. The goal of the month is to spread awareness about the impacts of excessive energy consumption and promote initiatives to reduce individual energy use. This year’s theme for National Energy Awareness Month is “Change a Light, Change the World,” a campaign
Labor Day Activities in the Twin Cities
Labor Day in the Twin Cities is awash with festivals, fairs, and outdoor activities galore. The tricky thing is not finding something to do, but making a decision! If you’re still up in the air about your long weekend plans, we’ve put together an itinerary of options. Minnesota State Fair Of course, no Minnesota summer is
Bonfe Named a 2016 Top 150 Workplace by Star Tribune
Minneapolis, MN (July 5, 2016) – Bonfe has been named one of the Top 150 Workplaces in Minnesota by the Star Tribune. The Top Workplaces is an annual report the Star Tribune compiles in partnership with WorkingDynamics, a company that specializes in employee engagement and organizational health research. The results of the Top Workplaces survey
The Best Type of Sprinkler System for Your Lawn
Are you thinking about installing an automatic sprinkler system to keep your lawn watered and healthy this summer? Before you make a decision, you should first consider all the different types of systems available. Depending on the landscape of your lawn and the location of your home, one system might make more sense than another.