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If you live in the Twin Cities, the question of tap vs. bottled vs. filtered water is largely one of personal preference, not health or safety. The quality of Minneapolis tap water exceeds the federal standards imposed on bottled water. That said, a whole house water treatment system can cleanse your water of lingering chemical elements, such as chlorine, and improve water purity beyond that of either tap or bottled water. Here are five reasons many people choose to install water treatment systems, even when their local water supply poses no health risk.

1. Taste

Some people prefer the taste of mineral-free, pure filtered water, even if their tap water—like ours here in the Twin Cities—is perfectly contaminant-free and safe to drink. In that case, installing a whole house water treatment system is much more cost-effective than buying filtered water by the gallon.

2. Not just for faucets

Even among those who enjoy drinking purified water, many believe it’s only necessary to treat the water they actually consume and will often just install individual faucet filters on their sinks. In actuality, there are many benefits to using filtered water throughout your home, and a whole house water treatment system is the only way to guarantee that every drop of water in your house is pure.

3. Bathing

By removing all traces of chemicals such as chlorine, bathing in filtered water can make your hair and skin softer than bathing in unfiltered tap water.

4. Cleaning

It’s not rocket science: cleaning with cleaner water produces cleaner results. Doing laundry with filtered water can slow the deterioration of clothing fibers, running the dishwasher with filtered water will produce more sparkling dishware, and home surfaces such as bathtubs, countertops, and toilet bowls will require less scrubbing to wipe clean.

5. Plumbing health

Treated water can prolong the life of shower heads, piping, and other water-using appliances by reducing the impact of chemical build-up and hard water deposits. Installing a whole house water treatment system may seem like a big investment, but it can save you thousands on costly appliance repairs and frequent replacements.

If you have more questions about how a whole house water treatment system can benefit you and your family or would like to schedule a water quality assessment or an installation cost appraisal, contact Bonfe today.

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