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Grab your phone.
Set a timer for ten minutes.
And get ready to lower your energy bills.

No, you don’t have to huddle in a dark, cold house all winter to do it. (We’re in Minnesota so we know how Important it is to stay warm through a long winter—and to stay cool through a hot, humid summer!)

We have a ten-minute challenge for you that’ll help you lower your energy bills in the cheapest, quickest, easiest way possible.

All you have to do is fly through this checklist. Can you do it in ten minutes?

Ready, set, GO!

  • Do you have lots of electronic equipment plugged in even when you’re not using it?
    Many electronics continue to use power, even if they’re in off mode. It’s called “phantom energy” and can add up on your bill.
  • Are your vents open?
    Floor and baseboard vents typically have a small manual switch that toggles between open and closed. If it’s chronically too cold (or too hot) in a room, the switch might be flipped the wrong way. (Pro tip: If you have a room you’re not using and can close it off, you can save energy by closing the vent and keeping the door closed.)
  • Are your ceiling fans spinning the right way?
    Many fans have a switch you can flip to reverse the spinning direction. When it’s hot, make your fan spin counter-clockwise to push air down and through the room. During this Minnesota winter, reverse the direction: make your fan spin at a low speed in a clockwise direction to trap the heat. (Fans in winter? Who knew?!)
  • Are your fridge and freezer set to the right temperatures?
    For the optimal blend of performance and energy-saving, your fridge should be kept at 38 degrees Fahrenheit and your freezer should be kept at 5 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Is your thermostat set to the right temperature?
    According to EnergyStar, the optimal indoor temperature is 70 to 78 degrees during warmer months, and between 60 and 70 degrees during cooler months. We all know how cold a Minnesota winter can get, but resist the urge to set your temp higher than 70 (unless you have extenuating circumstances or a doctor has advised otherwise).
  • Do your furnace filters need to be changed?
    Clogged furnace filters put a major drag on the efficiency of your furnace. When airflow through the furnace isn’t as efficient as it could be, all that hot air you’re paying for can’t get into your home where you want it. Furnace filters should be checked monthly and typically last between one and three months before they need replacement.

Phew! Look at you, saving all that money and energy with just a ten-minute home sweep.

Got one more minute? Grab your phone and schedule a tune-up for your heating and cooling system. Your furnace and A/C should both be tuned up yearly to help ensure they’re operating at maximum efficiency. A little preventive maintenance can go a long way toward lowering energy bills and increasing the lifespan of your home systems.

There are a lot more ideas where that came from (and you don’t have to do the work yourself). We’re here to help. Better call Bonfe today!

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