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Hard water is a curse for your home’s plumbing system. It decreases the carrying capacity of the pipes, builds additional pressure, causes blockages, and eventually cracks in the lines. Unless vigilance and regular DIY maintenance are not practiced, this build up of sediments can become a costly affair. If you have questions about your water quality, please contact Bonfe for testing.

The following is a simple DIY maintenance procedure that you can employ and keep major plumbing blockages off your budget.

What You Need To Prevent Mineral Build Up in Your Plumbing 
 Tools:                                                             Materials:

• Toothbrush                                                                     • sequestering cleaning agent 

• Stiff Brush                                                                       • softening salt

• Plastic bags                                                                    • liquid cleanser

• Water Softener Unit                                                        • lemon juice

• Rubber Gloves                                                                • white vinegar

• Rubber Bands

• Soft Cloth

The Method

Let us begin with a step-by-step guide. We have turned the steps into questions that are most likely to trouble DIY plumbers!

How to Test for Hard Water in your plumbing?

Hard water is rich in calcium and magnesium, two minerals that readily form lime scale deposits inside plumbing and appliances and as a result lead to reduced water pressure and mechanical failure. Hard water deposits can stick to glass, porcelain, enamel, fiberglass, stainless steel, china, chrome, and tile.

Common signs of hard water include:

• Development of soap scum and sticky residue in tubs and sinks

• Mineral spots on faucets and fixtures

• Hard-to-lather soap and shampoo

The best way to test presence of hard water is to use a hard water test kit.

How to Clean the Faucets?

Faucets can become encrusted. A mixture of vinegar and liquid cleaner or lemon juice can easily scrub off this build up. Use a toothbrush and scrub it away slowly. Furthermore, fill a plastic bag with white vinegar and tie over the spigot — leave overnight. Next morning, rinse it with warm water, and polish with a soft cloth.

How to Clean Shower Doors and Showerheads 

You have two options: 

Either prepare a cleaning solution of ½ cup bleach and 2 cups of water, or 2 cups of water and ½ cup ammonia. Wear gloves and goggles when handling bleach or ammonia. Remove the shower head and place it inside. Let it stay for 20 minutes.

Fill a plastic bag with white vinegar, remove showerhead and place it inside. Let it stay for 30 minutes.

REMEMBER: NEVER mix vinegar, bleach, and ammonia as it can create toxic fumes. Do not clean the shower head in place as the mixture is corrosive in nature and can damage your skin.

Rinse showerhead thoroughly, reinstall, and run water through showerhead for two minutes to remove remains of the cleaning solution.

A Lasting Solution for Your Hard Water Problems

You may not have the time to regularly perform these tasks. A good solution is to install a Water-Softening Machine. The machine contains a brine (salt water) and resin tank. It easily attaches to the plumbing, and as water passes through the resin, the minerals are washed out and discharged as wastewater. You can easily bypass the softener with a separate cold line for your kitchen and drinking needs.

Stay tuned for more plumbing tips! For any problems get in touch with a professional.

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