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Harmful materials in our environment cause air pollution. We take cautions to reduce air pollution to ensure we have a clean supply of air to breathe from, but did you know indoor air is also polluted? We spend the majority of our time indoors – at our home, at office, at a club or a restaurant, or any other building. People usually believe that air inside a building is clean; however, indoor air is filled with chemicals, gases and other harmful pollutants that lead to fatigue, allergies, eye irritation and headaches.

In worse cases, pollutants can also lead to some long term health problems including cancer. These problems can be avoided by consulting indoor air quality specialists who can detect the problem and determine the right solution for you.

Common Facts about Indoor Air Quality
The indoors have triple the pollutants compared to outdoor air. In certain buildings, the air can even be 100 times more polluted because of excessive pollutants in the air.
Majority of exposure to pollutants in the environment happens when you are breathing indoors. These pollutants are released from materials, products and activities you utilize every day.
As people spend majority of their time indoor, the quality of indoor air is a major cause of concern.
According to research, a normal individual is exposed to 72% of pollutants exposure at home, mostly from ill-maintained air conditioners. This indicates that the place we consider as the safest is actually quite hazardous for us.
Ill-maintained air conditioner can lead to emission of dirt particles and create impure air around you.
Factors Contributing to Poor Quality of Indoor Air

There are several factors that contribute to the poor quality of indoor air. Some are explained as follows:

Various Chemicals

The main factor of pollutants exposure indoor is the airborne chemicals which are released from products that you use indoors. These products include building materials, furnishing products, cleaning products and other such substances. Such products release a large amount of harmful particles and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) in the air.


Another common factor of indoor pollution is moisture. It leads to the growth of mold which results in emission of particulates and VOCs that compromise the quality of indoor air which leads to harmful effects on your health. It is close to impossible to eradicate the mold spores, which means the only way to avoid it is early prevention and care.


Airborne particulates are also a major factor for indoor air pollution. These are usually formed from dust and dirt which seeps inside the buildings. The particles are also caused by products being used indoors like cleaning products. Some particulates also emerge from your air conditioner if it is not properly maintained. These particulates lead to respiratory problems like asthma and allergies in many individuals.

How to Ensure Quality Indoor Air?

The best way to ensure that your indoor air is clean is to consult an air conditioning maintenance and services or indoor air specialists. Many of the professionals conduct tests to determine the reasons behind poor indoor air. You can have the filters of your A/C cleaned or changed, get air purification and filters installed or get your A/C properly maintained to ensure clean and pure indoor air.

To consult professional A/C maintenance and indoor air specialist, visit https://bonfe.com/

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