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The results are in! We asked our realtor clients to complete a survey about what you look for in a home warranty provider, and over 150 of you responded. We tabulated your responses and this is a summary of what we learned.
We were happy to learn than many of you already trust Bonfe to provide home warranties to your clients. Customer service, reliability, amount of coverage, and local expertise are the top qualities you look for in a home warranty provider—all of which we provide our home warranty customers.
For the most part, you appear happy with your current provider (good to hear!). Most challenges seem to stem from customer service and issues dealing with subcontractors. Working with Bonfe eliminates the complications of dealing with subcontractors altogether. Your home warranty will be personally serviced by qualified professionals through a dependable company with local accountability. No need to slow down the process by using an administrative middleman to set up subcontractors.
With many of you closing on more than 21 homes each year between $250,000 and $500,000 in value, we understand the importance of being able to count on friendly, reliable customer service with every sale. Having delivered and serviced hundreds of home warranties over the years, our local team of professional plumbers and electricians provide peace of mind coverage, comfort, and safety to Minnesota homeowners through exceptional customer service.
Bonfe’s home warranty customers recommend our program to their clients because it is easy to set up, offers a better program at a better price, and because we are locally based, we can provide quick, responsive service.
Learn more about the Bonfe Home Warranty Program and find out if we service your area.

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