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To Our Customers and the Twin Cities Community…

We are grateful to all our customers, our community, and our Bonfe team members as we navigate these challenging times.

At Bonfe, our leadership team meets daily to address the new situations that arise, and we have regular all-company calls to keep employees up to date.   There is no roadmap or handbook to follow; we use our Bonfe Core Values to guide us in making decisions that are right for our employees and our customers.

“Do the Right Thing” is at the heart of Bonfe.    We put others before ourselves and we treat people fairly.  We make decisions that are morally and ethically sound, and we are determined, passionate and committed – to our employees and to our customers.

We want to help our Bonfe team members stay safe, while remaining open for business and keeping people employed.   We’ve reduced the hours of some of our staff and are continuing to cover their health insurance even if they are not working.  Our managers are taking pay cuts.  While these decisions are difficult, we have a responsibility to our team members and the community to weather the storm so that we are in business for the long term, providing employment and serving customers.

We want to do everything we can to help you during the virus outbreak.

  • We are providing essential services. There is a reason the government has included plumbing, heating, cooling and electrical companies on the list of essential services during the Shelter-In-Place order. With so many people staying at home, it can put a strain on mechanical, plumbing, and electrical systems.  A clogged toilet needs to be fixed.  A broken water heater needs to be replaced.  A furnace that doesn’t heat or an air conditioner that doesn’t cool needs to be repaired or replaced.
  • We are looking ahead at warm weather and encourage you to do the same – get your air conditioner tuned up to make sure it’s working. Staying healthy is key during these times.  All forecasts point to a warmer than average spring and a hot summer; you’ll need your cooling system to be working.    While people are home and available, it can be a good time to have the air conditioner tuned up and ready to go.   Our techs are taking extra safety precautions when in customer’s homes, and you can choose to wait in another part of the house when they are there, or even outside if you like.
  • Change your furnace filters. The air conditioner uses the same filter as your furnace.  Many customers have family members with allergies or asthma.  Springtime can be especially hard on people with these conditions.  It’s critical that the air conditioner be tuned up and filters changed so that when warm weather hits, the air inside the home is not only cool but also as free as possible of allergens and pollens.
    Our technicians, plumbers and electricians are taking health and safety precautions when they visit your home. Check our website for a video with more details.   But the short story is:  our field team has wipes, gloves, booties and basic (non-medical) face masks.   It’s been hard to procure these supplies… we’re doing the best we can to make sure all our team members have them.   When they come to your home, practice social distancing for added protection.

Additional Helpful Information

If you, or any of your colleagues, friends or family exhibit any symptoms of the virus, please self-quarantine and call your doctor immediately.  Symptoms include fever, cough, and trouble breathing.

Further information is available from both the Minnesota Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

We are so grateful for our Bonfe team, our customers, and the Twin Cities community.

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