Bonfe Insider: January 2023
Customer shares his Bonfe experience. Don was having issues with his furnace. “The furnace would heat up and then it would cool down. No matter what we set it at, the temperature in the house dropped into the 50’s for a while and then it would kick back in again and run for a while,
Bonfe Insider: December 2022
Is it just a little drain clog… or a major sewer line backup? What you need to know about your sewer lines. Sometimes a drain clog is just a drain clog. But if your drains regularly back up, it could be a problem with your main sewer line. Either way, Bonfe is ready to help!
Bonfe Insider: October 2022
Winter is coming: Here’s how to stay warm and save. Combat inflation and rising natural gas costs as you heat your home this year. What’s the cheapest way to keep my house warm over the winter? That’s one question we hear often at Bonfe. And it makes sense—after all, Minnesota winters are notoriously long,
Bonfe Insider: August 2022
Maximize your A/C to beat the record heat. In the heat of summer (especially the record heat of summer), you’re probably using your A/C more than in the past. We’ll let you in on a little secret: A/C maintenance can make a big difference. A tuned-up A/C runs more efficiently and lasts longer.
Bonfe Insider: May 2022
How often do you think about the look and functionality of your sinks, toilets, and showers? You might not even know what you’re missing out on. A few simple plumbing upgrades can make a notable difference in and the look and comfort of your home. Here are four different ways you can enhance the
Bonfe Insider: March 2022
Thinking of finally getting that electric vehicle? You’re not alone. Electric vehicles (EVs) have exploded in popularity. Experts estimate that 52% of new vehicle sales will be electric by 2030.¹ The decision to purchase an electric vehicle is just the first step in the process: your garage and electrical system need to be ready, too.
Bonfe Insider: January 2022
A simple switch-up in your lighting can make a real difference in your quality of life. Skeptical? We hear you. Think about it like this: People love to curl up by a fire or light candles in the dead of winter, right? That’s because soft, warm light feels cozy and reassuring. And why do people
Bonfe Insider: November 2021
Nobody likes to slosh around in a shower full of dirty water, or stand in a puddle around the floor drain while trying to do laundry. Slow drains are annoying and messy. Whether it’s your shower, bathtub, sink, basement floor drain, or a combination of any of these, it’s time to stop ignoring your slow
Bonfe Insider: October 2021
Cut heating bills ✂️, sleep better 💤: Here’s how! What’s the simplest way to get better sleep? What’s the easiest way to save money on your energy bills? It turns out that the answer to both questions is the same: Dial in your heating strategy. The right temperature makes a world of difference, both for
Bonfe Insider: September 2021
Isn’t it time you breathe easy? If you’ve worried about what you’ve been breathing in over the last year and a half, you’re not alone. Between the smoke and haze of wildfires to the lingering threat of an unprecedented virus, our lungs – and our stress levels – have been through a lot. We can’t