Bonfe Insider: May 2020

Bonfe Insider May

At a time when many things feel uncertain, it can feel comforting to know there are some things you can control.

After generations as a family-operated company in a challenging industry, we’ve learned a thing or two about sticking together and weathering the storms with a positive, resilient attitude. 

We can’t predict when shelter-in-place will be relaxed or fully ended, or if it will be reinstated at some point during the summer or fall.  We do know that we’ve all been spending more time at home and probably will continue to do so in the months to come.   You may have mastered Zoom and driveway happy hours, and you’ve probably expanded your dinner recipe file by two-fold. 

Now it’s time to shift focus to the infrastructure of your home to help make sure it’s a fully functioning haven.  

Click through to learn six things to take care of to help ensure your home systems operate smoothly, safely, and comfortably through the long haul.

Six home-upkeep ideas for more comfort and peace of mind while sheltering in place. 


Tackling this list can make your home feel more comfortable and enjoyable.  It can also help prevent equipment breakdowns, damage, and other unexpected (and unwelcome!) surprises. We’re here to help.


  1. Get your cooling and heating systems checked. We take for granted that the A/C and heat will simply turn on when we want them to, but there’s a lot going on in the background.  As we enter the warmest summer months, it’s critical to get your cooling system tuned up and inspected. Breakdowns occur most often on the hottest days of the year, and that’s when it can be more difficult to secure an appointment. Be proactive and take control now by scheduling a tune-up today.
  2. Follow the rules of the throne. Friendly reminder: Don’t put anything down your toilet except toilet paper and human waste. That means no feminine products or wipes, even if they’re advertised as “flushable.” And we hope we don’t have to remind you to go easy on the toilet paper – your drains, your wallet, and everyone else scrambling to restock will thank you!
  3. Make sure all your drains are movin’ and groovin’. Clogs are one way to make things really unpleasant at home. With more people at home using the showers, toilets, sinks, and washing machines, we put additional strain on our drains. Now is a great time to get a professional water-jet cleaning of your drains to ensure clear flow. Avoid using harsh chemical products in your drains. Most chemicals are highly corrosive and can permanently damage your pipes. Yikes!
  4. Treat your space like a staycation. You might have had to cancel a few get-togethers and even a trip or two, but you can make your home feel special with a few simple touches, like stringing outdoor lighting to liven up a yard or patio area. If you don’t have outdoor electrical outlets, a professional can install them for you.
  5. Be safe and smart with your electrical panel. Many communities now require Whole Home Surge Protection for home electrical panels. If your home has an older panel, you may need to upgrade the panel prior to installing Whole Home Surge Protection. Whole-Home Surge Protection can help keep your laptops and TV’s safe during electrical surges and lightning strikes. Remember that any electrical work should be left to a licensed professional.
  6. Have your outdoor faucets get with the flow. The pools and beaches are closed this summer, so it’s looking like a hose-and-sprinkler-and-kiddie-pool kind of summer. And with more of us eating all our meals at home and trying to make our groceries last longer, it might be a great year to invest in a garden. All of this requires reliable outdoor faucets. If yours aren’t up to snuff, now’s the time to get with the flow.

We know you have a lot on your mind and on your plate right now.  Trust the professionals at Bonfe to help keep your home systems running smoothly.  Our service teams practice social distancing and are equipped with shoe covers, gloves, masks, sanitizer, and wipes. We’re here for you.

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