When you picture a plumbing leak, you probably picture a leaky faucet or perhaps a drip from an exposed pipe like one under your bathroom sink. However, the most serious plumbing leaks in your home are the ones that aren’t visible—at least not if you don’t know what to look for. Plumbing leaks can be insidious, building up for a while before the damage becomes severe enough to draw attention. A leak can be hiding anywhere in your home, including behind your walls, under your floors, or above your ceilings.
These five warning signs can help you identify a small leak before it becomes a big problem:
1. Sounds of running water
In a home with multiple floors and occupants, it’s common for water to be running for one reason or another—someone’s doing laundry, taking a shower, or running the dishwasher. Running water is so commonplace we learn to tune it out completely. However, if you start to notice the sound of running water when no one else is home or you know that nobody is using any faucets or showers, it could be a sign that you have a leak somewhere.
2. Unusually high water bills
Month to month, our water bills usually fall within a predictable range, within a $10-15 fluctuation. If you start to notice that your bills are climbing without any corresponding change in your water usage habits, there may be a leak that’s draining excess water. High water bills are the most accurate sign of a leak somewhere in your pipe system.
3. Musty Smells
Anywhere there is moisture collection your home can quickly become a breeding ground for mold and mildew. Even if there aren’t any visible signs of moisture, eventually these spots will begin to produce the telltale musty odors of fungus growth. If you start to notice this smell, call your plumber to help you track down the source of the moisture.
4. Damp spots
Any discoloration or dampness on your floors, walls, or ceiling that can’t be traced to a spill is probably a sign of a leaking or damaged pipe. If you notice a damp spot, don’t ignore it and think the problem will go away on its own. The more moisture you allow to build up, the more likely that serious damage will result from toxic mold growth or a burst pipe.
5. Foundation cracks
A long-term leak or crack in your pipes can eventually start to cause cracks to form in the foundation of your home. We don’t need to tell you that this is a serious problem. Cracks naturally form over time as a house settles into its foundation, but if you’re noticing a rapid multiplication, you probably have a leak. This should be dealt with as soon as possible—long-term leakage will weaken the structural foundation of your home, potentially even causing your walls to start cracking.
Be on the lookout for these common warning signs of plumbing leaks. If you become aware of any of these signs in your home, contact Bonfe right away to solve the problem before it can cause serious—and costly—damage.
You got my attention when you said that you might have a plumbing problem if you noticed that your water bills are increasing without changing your water usage habits. This is probably the reason why our water bill has been spiking even if we’re not always at home. I don’t want to continue paying for a water bill that’s too high, so I’ll hire a plumber soon.
I like that you pointed out that it’s possible that your plumbing system is leaking water if your water bills are climbing without reasons. My husband and I were surprised to see the sudden spike of our water bill. We’re sure that we don’t consume water than we normally do since we’re not always at home. I’ll hire a local plumber soon.
I never realized that it’s possible that your plumbing system is leading excess water if your water bills are climbing for no reason. My supervisor at work has been complaining about the sudden spike of the water bill of the office. He’s certain that there was no change in the way we consume water, so I’ll recommend him hiring a commercial plumber soon.
What caught my attention in your blog is when you said that it’s possible that your plumbing system is leaking water if you notice that there are damp spots on floors, walls, or ceiling. My officemates and I have been wondering why the floor of the office where we’re working seem to never dry out. There was even an incident where we didn’t work for 3 days, but we were surprised with wet floors. I’ll share your blog with my supervisor so he can hire a commercial plumber soon.
I never realized that it’s possible that your plumbing system is leaking extra water if you notice sounds of running water when nobody else is at home. My supervisor has been telling us that he has been trying to find where the sounds of water are coming from when he’s alone in the office. I’m sure that I heard that too last time, so I’ll recommend him to hire a commercial plumber.
You got my attention when you said that it’s possible that your plumbing system is leaking extra water if you notice that your water bills are increasing for no reasons. My supervisor said that she was surprised to see the water bill of the company where we are working. He said that he noticed that our water bill is spiking in spite of the fact that none of us is really using the water heavily. I’ll share your blog with him so he can consider hiring a commercial plumber.