Transitioning from Cooling to Heating

It may be October already, but it’s only just this week that the temperatures have finally broken and it’s cool enough to start indulging in our dreams of sweaters, falling leaves, and all things pumpkin-spiced. The chill in the air also means it’s time to start transitioning your HVAC systems from summer to fall. Follow these steps to make the switch from heating to cooling as smooth as possible.

Step One: Pre-season maintenance

If you haven’t already, the transitional period between summer and fall is the perfect time to schedule a preventative maintenance inspection for your furnace with a trusted professional. This inspection will ensure that your furnace is in good shape for winter and won’t shut down on you unexpectedly come January.

Step Two: Turn off the air

The beauty of fall is that the temperatures are perfect just as they are, so your house can be comfortable at natural equilibrium with the outside air—no more need for the good ‘ole A/C. Go ahead and switch it off, but make sure you perform the necessary end-of-season maintenance tasks to prepare your unit to weather the winter ahead.

Step Three: Power on

Once you’ve verified that your furnace is in good condition, it’s time to turn it on. This is as simple as locating your thermostat and flipping a switch. The temperature you set it at is up to you. It probably doesn’t need to be set very high just yet, but it’s good to get it up and running so it’s warmed up and has less work to do by the time you really need it.

Step Four: Get outside!

This beautiful fall weather won’t last very long, and when you know your home is all set to keep you cozy throughout the winter you’ll be able to enjoy the perfect temperatures outdoors without a care in the world.

To schedule your preventative furnace maintenance checkup, contact Bonfe today.

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